How does someone fall off of a cruise ship?

It is incredibly difficult for a person to fall off of a cruise ship. Railings and guardrails are designed to prevent people who slip, trip or otherwise lose their footing from going overboard.

However, passengers who climb on chairs or sit on balcony railings can fall. Sadly, passengers do purposely jump from cruise ships as well.

If an eyewitness to an overboard alerts the ship's crew that an overboard has occurred, a floating marker will be thrown into the water in the area the person was last seen, and the ship will turn around to return to that area.

The ship's captain will contact the Coast Guard, and a search for the person using a tender will be instituted. 

Also, staff will review onboard security cameras for more information. This is especially true if no one witnessed a missing passenger go overboard. 

People rarely survive falling overboard, but it can happen. On October 2012, a passenger fell off a Carnival cruise ship and was rescued.

Most passengers who fall or jump overboard are never found.  Man Overboard List

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