Tiny bugs closely related to spiders are living in the pores of your face

Tiny mites – eight-legged arachnids related to spiders – live in the pores of our facial skin. 

They are particularly fond of the hair follicles of eyebrows and eyelashes, and the oily pores most common on the nose, forehead and cheeks. Called Demodex, the mites eat sebum, or facial oil, and colonize your face at puberty.

They crawl about your face in the dark to mate, then crawl back into pores to lay their eggs and die. 

Healthy adults have around one or two mites per square centimeter of facial skin. People with rosacea, however, can have 10 times as many. 

Research suggests that the stress that causes flare-ups of rosacea changes the chemicals in sebum, making it better food for mites.
Rosacea often improves with antibacterial drugs that don't affect the mites, such as tetracyclines. It is thought that this is because Rosacea is caused by a reaction to bacteria in the mite's feces.

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