Mosquitoes Bleed Livestock Dry

A large mosquito can only hold about one drop of blood, but a swarm can contain billions, and that is what happened from August to late September 1980, on Stephen Perry’s farm outside Brazoria, Texas.

The swarm occurred when billions of mosquito eggs that had lain dormant in the nearby marshes for 20 years were flooded by saltwater tides. Saltwater was all they needed to hatch, and when they did, billions of larvae became billions of mosquitoes, attacking Perry’s livestock in unison. 

Perry’s cattle and horses began showing up dead around his property. Necropsies revealed no external injuries but sometimes fully half of the usual 7–9 gallons of blood was missing from the carcass. 

Perry stated that he could wave his hand above his head and bring down a fistful of several hundred mosquitoes. These swarms lasted, one after another, for over a month.  

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