A 92-year-old man pirates movies, then sends them to soldiers overseas

One of the world’s biggest DVD bootlegger is a 92 year old World War II veteran living in New York. Hyman Strachman is five feet five inches tall and just wanted to keep busy after his wife passed away.

He sends hundreds of thousands of bootlegged DVDs to soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. 

He completely realizes his actions violate copyright laws and that he is breaking laws, but he feels he is doing a patriotic duty keeping the soldiers in on what is going on in the U.S. 

Strachman is seen as a patriotic hero to soldiers who feel reconnected through the DVDs.

The government isn’t going to touch Strachman either, because of his age. 

It really isn’t worth their time to put a 92 year old “hero” to prison for the rest of his short life. 

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