Jerry Mathers (The Beaver on TV) was killed in the Vietnam War?

Gerald Patrick "Jerry" Mathers (born June 2, 1948) is an American television, film, and stage actor.

Mathers is best known for his role in the television sitcom series Leave It to Beaver (1957–1963), in which he played Theodore "Beaver" Cleaver, the younger son of a suburban couple June and Ward Cleaver (played by Barbara Billingsley and Hugh Beaumont), and the brother of Wally Cleaver (played by Tony Dow).

While he was still in high school, Mathers joined the United States Air Force Reserve, in 1966.

After graduating high school in 1967, Mathers continued to serve in the Reserve and made the rank of Sergeant.

In December 1969, a rumor began that Mathers was killed in action in the Vietnam War.

Although the origin of the rumor is unclear, Mathers never saw action and was never stationed outside of the United States.

Mathers has since continued his career in films and television roles.

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