Amusement Park Offers Cremation Ride, Simulates Death

The Window of the World amusement park in Shenzhen, China gives folks the chance to experience the feeling of cremation.

People lay down in simulated coffins, which are placed on a conveyor belt that carries the boxes through a rectangular chamber that is filled with sudden blasts of hot air (over 100 degrees) to give folks an “authentic experience of burning,” claim the creators of the ride, Huange Weiping and Ding Rui.

After experiencing the "burning," people crawl out of their coffins to a white-padded section that is supposed to symbolize a womb, where they are "reborn."

As with normal amusement park rides, people scream and come out of the ride soaking in sweat.

Many people who experienced the ride have said they will never do it again and describe it as "horrifying.

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