Black Eyed Kids

Amongst the most feared entities of all time, the black eyed kids are described as kids aged from 9 to 16, with otherwise normal physique and behavior, but completely out-of-the-world eyes. 

Their eyes, without any distinguishable pupil, iris or sclera, are pitch-black. 

They appear in either normal or a bit old-fashioned clothes, and are said to speak in a tone too mature for their age. 

They generally appear lost and helpless before your house or car, making an insistent request to be let in. 

For some reason, witnesses report feeling an inexplicable fear in their vicinity, even before noticing their diabolic eyes, and are mostly found fleeing the scene immediately. 

The children allegedly use some low-level hypnotism, for people often report unconsciously letting them into their property, right before noticing their eyes and thereby fleeing.

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