The Most Haunted Place In New Orlean's French Quarters - The LaLaurie Mansion

Delphine LaLaurie was a prominent socialite in New Orleans during the early 1800s. Being of such elevated status, it was common for Delphine to throw extravagant parties. Delphine had a unique compulsion, however; during these events, she would disappear for an hour or so, only to return in a different dress. Given the cost of clothing back then, this was seen as an ostentatious display of her wealth. Little did her guests realize that the true cause of her change in costume was far more horrifying than that.

On April 10, 1834, during one of Delphine’s famous parties, a fire broke out in the kitchen of her Royal Street residence. When the fire marshals got there, they found a slave chained to the stove by her ankle. The slave later confessed that she had started the fire in an attempt to commit suicide, for fear of being taken to the room above the kitchen. In her own words, “Anyone who had been taken there, never came back.”

When rescuers investigated the room, they discovered Delphine LaLaurie’s chamber of horrors. Inside, they found the mangled bodies of slaves—both living and dead. The room featured botched sex change operations, bizarre amputations, and other horrific medical experiments.

Word quickly spread about the atrocities and soon a lynch mob formed outside the LaLaurie Mansion. But before the mob could inflict its justice, a stagecoach swept in and carried Delphine away. New Orleans’ most notorious serial killer disappeared into the night, never to be seen again.

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