In Tajikistan, the unibrow is considered a highly attractive feature in women

There is actually a medical term for having a unibrow called synophrys. In the West, the unibrow is considered very unattractive and becomes the brunt of the joke. In Tajikistan, a small Asian country, the unibrow is celebrated in full.

Women and girls let their unibrow grow thick. It is considered highly attractive on them. Those who can’t grow a unibrow naturally will use an herbal remedy to fake it. Usma, a leafy green herb, is sold in all Tajik markets. You can get a small bunch for about six cents.

The process is simple but effective. Take a bunch of usma and let it dry in the sun for a couple hours, and then grind up the leaves until a dark green goo seeps out. Dip a branch of usma, or a matchstick into the goo and smear it on your eyebrows, making sure, of course, to color the space in between.

Leave on for 15 minutes, and repeat the smearing process one or two more times. The result is a deep black unibrow, rich and expressive.

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