Dog At The Bus Stop

Italy - In November 1941, on his way home from the bus stop, a brick kiln worker in Borgo San Lorenzo named Carlo Soriani found a dog lying injured in a roadside ditch. Not knowing who the dog belonged to, Soriani took him home and nursed him back to health. Eventually, Soriani and his wife decide to adopt the dog, naming him "Fido", a Latin word meaning "faithful one".

After Fido recovered, he followed Soriani to the bus stop located at the central square of Luco di Mugello and watched him board the bus for his job. When the bus returned in the evening, Fido found and greeted Soriani with obvious great joy and followed him home again. This pattern repeated every workday for two years.

This was during the Second World War, and on December 30 , 1943, Borgo San Lorenzo was subjected to a violent allied bombardment: many factories were hit, and many workers, including Soriani, perished. That evening, Fido showed up as usual at the bus stop, but obviously did not see his beloved master get off. He later arrived back home, but for fourteen years thereafter (more than 5,000 times) until the day of Fido's death, he went daily to the stop watching and sniffing the air in vain for Soriani to get off the bus.

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