Freeze away flab

CoolSculpting, which has enjoyed huge popularity since it was approved by the FDA in 2010, was designed by scientists at Zeltiq in California.

The device features a gel patch that clamps on to the targeted area and freezes fat cells beneath the skin.

The sub-zero temperatures cause the fat cells to die. They are then flushed away by the body over the next few months.

The treatment, which takes anything from one to several hours, is relatively painless.

The skin and muscle tissue is unaffected by the procedure because fat freezes at a higher temperature than other cells.

Mitchell Levinson, Zeltiq’s founder, said trial patients had been monitored for three years without the fat returning.

A single treatment is usually enough for each love handle. A larger beer belly or a set of flaps of fat under the arms may need two treatments.

Zeltiq says it is for those in need of a little fat removal and is not suitable for the obese.

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