
Breatharianism is the idea that one can live without food and drink, and subsist only off of light.

There are people who practice breatharianism or sungazing who to seem to live quite normal lives. So how to they survive?

In the first instance, anyone claiming to live on light and/or air alone is most certainly lying. 

In 1983, most of the leadership of the movement in California resigned when Wiley Brooks (Picture), a notable proponent of breatharianism, was caught sneaking into a hotel and ordering a chicken pie.

Under controlled conditions where people are actually watched to see if they can do it without sneaking some real food, they almost certainly fail. 

The name most commonly associated with breatharianism is Australia's Jasmuheen (born Ellen Greve), who claims to live only on a cup of tea and a biscuit every few days. 

However, the only supervised test of this claim (by the Australian edition of 60 Minutes in 1999) left her suffering from severe dehydration and the trial was halted after four days, despite Greve's insistence she was happy to continue. 

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