
In a grim milestone in the fighting in Afghanistan, the United States military has reached 2,000 dead in the nearly 11-year-old conflict, based on an analysis of Department of Defense records.  While it took nearly nine years for  American forces to reach their first 1,000 dead in the war, the second 1,000 came in just 27 months, according to the analysis, a testament to the intensity of fighting prompted by President Obama’s decision to send 33,000 additional troops to Afghanistan in 2010, a policy known as the surge.

Three out of four were white, 9 out of 10 were enlisted service members, and one out of two died in either Kandahar Province or Helmand Province in Taliban-dominated southern Afghanistan, according to the analysis. The average age of those killed was 26, and the dead were disproportionately Marines. Included in the special report are a list of the names of the 2,000 killed.

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